
Wister was a Rogue Squadron pilot, specifically a Human male.


Wister, a male Human pilot, served with distinction in the Rebel Alliance's renowned Rogue Squadron during 4 ABY. During the Battle of Endor, when the Alliance attacked the Galactic Empire's incomplete Death Star II battle station, he fought alongside the Rogues. The Rogues, who were temporarily called Red Squadron for this engagement, scored numerous kills and suffered relatively few losses, even as other squadrons sustained heavy casualties from the Imperial defense.

After the Alliance secured victory with the Death Star's destruction, they maintained a presence on Endor for a time. Shortly after that day, Wister, flying as Rogue Two with Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles and Rogue Three Kirst, encountered the remains of the Super Star Destroyer Executor on the moon's surface. He was fatally struck by the still-operational turbolasers and killed. Kirst deeply grieved his loss, and Antilles penned a letter informing his family of his passing.

