
All Wookieepedians are welcome to attend the recurring WookieeNights gatherings. These gatherings provide an opportunity for everyone to unwind and connect with each other in a more relaxed atmosphere. WookieeNights can be organized for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to viewing parties, group editing sessions, Q&A sessions, and informal social events. The details for the next scheduled WookieeNights will be displayed below.

Next WookieeNights

Saturday, February 15th, 11AM EST (Discord event link)

Joining WookieeNights: A Guide

At the designated event time, individuals can join the #WookieeNights Discord channel and have the option to participate in the associated voice channel.

How it Functions

WookieeNights is a live event where Wookieepedians can come together in a casual environment to foster communication. The event will take place in the #WookieeNights Discord channel and its corresponding voice channel. Participants are welcome to communicate via voice, although it is not mandatory.

The host will announce a start time, at which point all participants will begin playback simultaneously, enabling synchronized viewing. Alternatively, a service like Teleparty can be utilized to synchronize users' screens. Administrators can schedule WookieeNights by posting the planned time above and/or by utilizing the Events feature on Discord. Once an event's start time has passed, the list of attendees and event information should be removed from the page to allow for new postings.

WookieeNights: Guidelines

  • A site administrator must be present during all WookieeNights events.
  • All site policies are in effect, and blocked users are prohibited from participating.
  • Please refrain from asking everyone to pause while you retrieve a snack, use the restroom, etc. Re-synchronizing playback in a large group can be challenging.
  • While voice chat is encouraged, avoid monopolizing the voice channel. Allow everyone to speak and mute your microphone when not actively speaking.
  • No spoilers allowed. If a participant has not yet seen something, please avoid revealing spoilers.
  • While casual conversation is welcome, maintain a respectful tone. Avoid topics that may be distressing or uncomfortable for others, and anyone violating site policies will be removed from the WookieeNights channels for the duration of the event.


