Wookieepedia Contests:Main

title: "My Reworded MDX Document" description: "An example MDX document, now reworded."


Let's begin by exploring the fundamentals of MDX and its powerful capabilities. MDX empowers you to seamlessly integrate JSX components within your Markdown content.

Key Features

  • Component Integration: MDX allows you to import and render React components directly into your Markdown.
  • Markdown Syntax: You can continue to use familiar Markdown syntax for formatting your content.
  • Dynamic Content: Incorporate dynamic data and logic into your documents using JavaScript expressions.

Example Usage

Here's a basic example of how to use MDX:

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

function MyPage() {
 return (
 # Hello, MDX!
 This is a paragraph with a .

export default MyPage;


MDX offers several advantages:

  • Reusability: Create reusable components and embed them across multiple documents.
  • Maintainability: Keep your content organized and easy to update.
  • Flexibility: Combine the simplicity of Markdown with the power of React.

Learn More

For more information, refer to the official MDX documentation.

This is an example image.
title: "My Rewritten MDX Document"
description: "A sample MDX document, now phrased differently."

# Introduction

We'll start by diving into the core concepts of MDX and the robust features it provides. MDX gives you the ability to smoothly blend JSX components into your Markdown-based content.

## Key Features

*   **Component Incorporation:** MDX lets you bring in and display React components right inside your Markdown.
*   **Markdown Formatting:** You are still able to use the Markdown formatting you already know to style your content.
*   **Content That Changes:** Add data that can change and JavaScript code to your documents.

## Example Usage

Here's a simple illustration of MDX in action:

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

function MyPage() {
 return (
 # Hello, MDX!
 This paragraph includes a .

export default MyPage;


MDX provides a number of benefits:

  • Reuse: Make components that can be used many times and put them in different documents.
  • Easy to Manage: Keep your content well-structured and simple to modify.
  • Adaptable: Use Markdown's ease of use together with React's powerful features.

Learn More

To find out more, see the official MDX documentation.

Here's an image as an example.