
Worlohp, an Ithorian serving as the captain aboard the Short Range Transit Shuttle SST-67 known as the Fair Gale, operated around 32 BBY. He was employed through Republic Sienar Systems by the Royal House of Naboo to transport individuals within the Naboo system. On one particular journey, with passengers including Hallem Celaar, Kharl Vanneb, and Sakme Kelene, Worlohp suffered a bout of madness resulting from accidental exposure to Kyvalon-4. Despite his attempts to harm those aboard the ship, he was eventually brought under control.



Worlohp, an Ithorian, held the position of captain on the Fair Gale, a Short Range Transit Shuttle SST-67 provided by Republic Sienar Systems. This ship, along with numerous others, had been contracted via Republic Sienar Systems to work for the Royal House of Naboo. This interplanetary shuttle was used to ferry people to Naboo's moon, Ohma-D'un, not long after the Invasion of Naboo. As time went on, Worlohp implemented a prohibition on weapons on his ship, noting that many individuals held animosity toward each other and were inclined to violence. Fearing that the Fair Gale could sustain significant damage if a firefight erupted onboard, he requested that passengers relinquish their weapons before boarding, making an exception for Jedi Knights and their lightsabers.

Fit of mania

One day, he was assigned to transport a party including scientists and technicians to the moon. The group was intended to assist in the establishment of a colony on Ohma-D'un. The group included Professor Hallem Celaar, Kharl Vanneb, and Sakme Kelene. Following his established protocol of confiscating and storing weapons, Worlohp initiated the Fair Gale's launch, projecting an arrival on Ohma-D'un in forty-two minutes. The weather was clear, and reports indicated a cleared path through debris from the recent Battle of Naboo.

Worlohp, driven mad by Kyvalon-4.

However, seventeen minutes into the journey, the reports proved inaccurate. The ship sustained a forceful impact from hull fragments of a Trade Federation vessel, but Worlohp remained unconcerned, directing his technicians to repair the damage. Kyvalon-4 gas was leaking into the ship, but the Ithorian remained calm, requesting that passengers assist with the repair efforts. Unbeknownst to Worlohp, Kyvalon-4 caused Ithorians to temporarily become homicidal maniacs.

The transformation happened quickly; Worlohp changed into an aggressive lunatic almost immediately. Celaar realized the danger too late, as the captain was already attacking Kelene. The young female technician was slammed into the wall of the Fair Gale, rendering her unconscious. The Ithorian then focused on Vanneb, and began shouting loudly. He lashed out at his other passengers with his fists, his rampage also greatly damaged the ship. Eventually, Worlohp was restrained, and the Fair Gale landed on Ohma-D'un. After apologizing to all those inconvenienced, he was returned to his position as captain of the Fair Gale.

Personality and traits

Those around Worlohp generally found him to be pleasant and friendly, although his reasons for requesting possession of weapons before sentients boarded his ship sometimes caused suspicion. He performed his job cheerfully, although his booming voice, a natural trait for Ithorians but unusual to most others, sometimes startled people. Under the influence of Kyvalon-4, Worlohp became a rampaging monster who did not discriminate between friend and foe, and had a callous disregard for his own safety and the wellbeing of his ship.

Behind the scenes

Worlohp's sole appearance was in Peril in the Ionosphere, a role-playing adventure in Star Wars Gamer 1, authored by Steve Miller. Stan Shaw drew Worlohp, who is the antagonist of the story. In 2008, the character received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

