Wuja Wojaine was a Pydyrian woman who served as the representative for the Almanian sector within the Outer Rim in the Galactic Senate of the Republic prior to the Clone Wars commencing.
During the time of the Separatist Crisis, the corrupt Wojaine permitted a Thalassian slaver organization, which was operating illegally within the Republic, to conduct its activities in the Almarian sector. In return, the senator was given kickbacks by the Thalassians.
The year 22 BBY saw the uncovering of Wojaine's collaboration with the slavers, along with fellow Senators Tikkes, Bufus Ritsomas, and Danry Ledwellow. This led to the arrest of all four senators on charges of corruption, and their senatorial roles were formally condemned. Subsequently, it came to light that Wojaine had become a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a separatist faction that had seceded from the Republic.