X-Wing was a painting that showcased the famous starfighter flown by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The artwork portrayed an X-wing starfighter engaged in a space combat situation against a number of TIE/LN starfighters, with both an MC30c frigate and an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate visible in the backdrop.

The X-Wing painting, together with the Imperial Star Destroyer and KSE Firespray paintings, represented a trio of special artworks that could be unlocked by players who logged into Star Wars Galaxies following the "Double Everything Weekend" event, which took place during the final days of The Empire Strike's Back 30th Anniversary Celebration. If players accessed Galaxies after the Double Everything Weekend, they received a painting container. This container held one of the three paintings mentioned above at random, and it could be opened using the radial menu.