
Xenoarborists were specialists who dedicated their studies to trees. During the final decades of the Galactic Republic, which dissolved in 19 BBY, Meysen Kayson, an entrepreneur, sought the expertise of xenoarborists. This occurred after he came across a species of greel tree on Pii III and Pii IV, which are the third and fourth planet in the Pii system, respectively, ultimately leading to the revelation of the tree's accelerated growth. By 25 ABY, xenoarborists had developed a theory that, many years prior, the senoti tree, which originated on the planet New Canistel in the Borderlands, had been brought to the forest moon of Endor by one of two Canistel AgriStar freighters that were lost within the Moddell sector.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of xenoarborists can be found in "The Greel Wood Haven," an article that appeared in the sixth issue of Star Wars Adventure Journal. This roleplaying magazine was released by West End Games in May of 1995 for their Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The term "xenoarborist" is created by combining "xeno-", which refers to something alien, and "arborist", which indicates a specialist in tree cultivation and maintenance.


Notes and references
