The XG Anti-Gravity Field Bomb was a type of repulsor mine produced by the SoroSuub Corporation. The Galactic Empire utilized them as a method of suppressing local resistance forces and quelling insurrections involving repulsorlift vehicles. Frequently, the Empire would confiscate repulsorlift vehicles, and Imperial garrisons would plant these mines on roadways within settlements displaying significant activity related to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Due to their sensitivity solely to gravity variations, individuals and vehicles lacking repulsorlift technology could pass over them without triggering them. These bombs were generally concealed approximately one meter underground. Upon activation, they would explode, resulting in the destruction of landspeeders and speeder bikes. On one occasion, General Airen Cracken managed to infiltrate an Imperial stronghold with a shipment of captured mines, which he then attached to a dozen speeder bikes. Approximately one hour following the Rebel assault on the fortress, the Imperials, reacting to the attack, engaged their speeder bikes, thereby setting off the mines. Alliance Special Forces also made use of these mines to protect their withdrawals and to strike at patrols or convoys. Furthermore, they would establish minefields before conducting swift attacks, subsequently withdrawing across the minefield either on foot, via hovercraft, or riding animals. Imperial forces pursuing them using repulsorlift vehicles would then inadvertently trigger the minefield.