Xiong Wong

Chief Warrant Officer Xiong Wong, also known by the moniker "Chiefy," served as the electronic countermeasures supervisor aboard the New Hope. He also shared a long-standing friendship with Jan Ors's father.


Prior to or during the era of the Galactic Civil War, Wong forged a friendship with the Alderaanian Ors family, developing a close bond with Jan Ors's father. As the War progressed, he was stationed on the New Hope, the flagship of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, where he was appointed as the head of the electronic countermeasures department.

During his service, he was frequently located deep within the ship, addressing various technical malfunctions.

In the year 5 ABY, the New Hope was situated near the medical frigate Mercy, where Jan Ors came to visit him. Wong, along with two technicians, was actively working on a junction box within a brightly illuminated equipment bay. He was pleased by her unexpected visit and jokingly offered to treat her to lunch in the ship's cafeteria.

Ors sought his assistance, or rather his contacts, to decipher an encoded holodisk that she had "borrowed" from Kyle Katarn. Wong escorted her to Wires, an individual capable of slicing the disk for Ors. When Wires refused to unlock his storeroom door, Wong resorted to banging on it with a hydrospanner. He then threatened to reveal to Lieutenant Commander Olifer what Wires had done with the ship's tracking computer. He pledged to leave Wires and Olifer alone if he could have the holodisk decoded. He and Ors spent the next two hours with Wires as he worked on the task.

Personality and traits

Wong possessed a deep affection for his equipment and would become irritated when he witnessed others mishandling it. Subordinates and colleagues who disliked him often referred to him behind his back as "that miserable old geezer." The nickname "Chiefy" was primarily used as a term of affection by those who held him in high regard.

A common habit of his was to temporarily set down his tools while working, often leaving a trail of them in his wake.

