Xizor salad was a culinary offering, specifically a type of salad, that could be found on the menu of Dex's Diner. This diner was located on the planet of Coruscant. The cost for this salad was 7.7 credits. It was available until the restaurant's destruction, which occurred within the initial two years following the rise of the Galactic Empire. The ingredients included fresh Sizhranian lettuce, precisely cut with laser technology, combined with Hocekureem Sea salt croutons. All ingredients were sourced from VegSatellites in orbit around Coruscant. The menu described the dish as worthy of a Falleen prince, and it was considered among the most delicious creations by Dexter Jettster, the Besalisk chef of the diner.
The same salad was also a menu item at the Riverview Café, situated in the city of Varlo on Roonadan, a world in the Outer Rim. In the year 44 ABY, Leia Organa Solo, a Jedi Knight, contemplated ordering a serving of this salad alongside Roba steak and Vagnerian canapés for dessert while she was dining at the café.
The Xizor salad was conceived as a humorous creation by Gregory Walker, who authored the 2009 StarWars.com Hyperspace article titled "Dining at Dex's." The name was intended as a double entendre, acting as a pun referencing both Caesar salad and Prince Xizor from Shadows of the Empire.