Yaga drone

The Yaga drone represented a subspecies within the Yaga lineage, bio-engineered in the wake of the Galactic Empire's ascent to power.

Biology and appearance

In comparison to standard Yaga, these drones exhibited enhanced size and musculature. Their construction was specifically tailored for operations in the harsh conditions of deep space and other challenging locales. A notable feature was their ability to subsist solely on solar energy after reaching maturity, negating the need for conventional sustenance. Verbal communication was minimal, generally limited to acknowledging received directives. Despite their conditioning towards Imperial allegiance, a significant number held concealed sympathies for the Rebel Alliance.


  • The Last Command Sourcebook (Initial mention)
  • The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
  • Alien Encounters
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. III ("Yaga Minor")

Notes and references
