Yasinda Bardak

title: Yasinda Bardak

The daughter of the owner of TranStar Construction, Yasinda Bardak was a well-educated female Human hailing from Coruscant.


She was a prominent figure in the social scene of Paradise Square in Tasariq City, indulging in whatever activities she desired, whenever the mood struck her. As the Imperial presence on Tasariq intensified, Yasinda increasingly voiced anti-Imperial sentiments at her gatherings, even openly questioning the validity of the Tarkin Doctrine. Unbeknownst to most, Yasinda was, in reality, an operative of Imperial Intelligence who had been personally recruited by Emperor Palpatine for specialized training. The intention was for her to eventually become one of the Emperor's Hands, as Yasinda was discovered to be Force-sensitive. However, her Imperial upbringing led her to reject the very notion of the Force's existence, let alone its accessibility to her. Consequently, she was removed from the training program but continued her education within the Intelligence agency, dedicating her time on Tasariq to the pursuit of Rebel cells.

Intrigued by the effects of the native tasar crystals on Force-sensitives, the Emperor dispatched Sarcev Quest to observe their influence on Bardak. To facilitate this, Quest presented her with an amulet containing a tasar crystal and maintained regular contact. Unfortunately for Yasinda, her exposure to the Tasar Crystals triggered a reawakening of her Force-sensitivity, causing her to experience auditory hallucinations. This gradually eroded her sanity, and only her extensive training prevented a complete mental breakdown. The Emperor denied her requests for transfer until his "experiment" had concluded.

