
A male bounty hunter and slave, Yerj was a Force-sensitive Barabel with black scales.


In his early years, Yerj was enslaved, never meeting his master, at a "training facility" that seemed to be for Force-sensitive children. He endured daily beatings for any reason, spending nights coughing up blood and learning to stitch his wounds. The next day, he faced more beatings if there was blood in his bed or if his stitches were crooked.

The beatings stopped when he reached his teens. By then, Yerj was strong enough to start beating smaller children himself—leading to the deaths of the weaker ones. He excelled at this, training older children to beat the smaller ones—again, with the weaker ones dying. As he matured, Yerj began training adults.

At one point, at least two individuals attempted to escape the training center. Yerj was tasked with stopping them. He located the escapees, returned them, and then killed them without remorse. There may have been other missions after that one. Yerj demonstrated physical and mental prowess, even developing dark side abilities. He channeled his rage and was trustworthy, seemingly content with his enslaved status. He was an imposing figure, seven feet tall with slit-red eyes. However, he bled easily, his blood having difficulty clotting.

Around 31 BBY, Chevin slaver Phylus Mon took an interest in Yerj and purchased his contract. Phylus Mon implanted an explosive device near Yerj's heart, designed to kill him if Phylus Mon died. The bomb could be deactivated by an ion weapon, but Phylus Mon prohibited ion weapons on his ship, the Animiasma. This security measure was standard for all of Phylus Mon's slaves. Simultaneously, Phylus Mon paid his slaves and insisted on calling them employees—yet they all knew they couldn't leave his service without dying.

Yerj started working as a tracker and bounty hunter for Phylus Mon, initially without direct contact with the Chevin. Yerj enjoyed his work, and the assignments grew in importance. For over a decade, Yerj continued, gaining recognition within Phylus Mon's organization.

During this period, Yerj's most challenging task was hunting a female Jedi. Although he killed her, he never truly broke her spirit. This incomplete victory haunted Yerj for years. He desired to defeat the "cowardly" Jedi and prove that their light side was merely an excuse for their incompetence.

Around 20 BBY, Phylus Mon decided to bring Yerj on a mission to the Cularin system aboard the Animiasma (which he had never boarded before). Yerj was not informed of the specifics but was introduced to the other team members. He looked down on them, considering them inferior, although they respected and even liked him.

Yerj and the other minions attacked the Almas Sith fortress in the Cularin system. Six Jedi guarded the fortress entrance, but Phylus Mon deployed thirteen minions, including his Wampa bodyguard Ku-Kak. Phylus Mon's team killed four Jedi and defeated the remaining two.

Inside the fortress, Phylus Mon performed a Sith ritual to transform Yerj and the others into Sith battlelords: After a perilous process, they were intended to become powerful military commanders using Force powers to control their troops. However, the ritual malfunctioned: Yerj and the other potential Battlelords had their Force essences extracted and stored in a large crystal.

Phylus Mon departed the fortress with the crystal, leaving Yerj and the other empty bodies behind. A search team sent by the Jedi from the Almas Academy later found these bodies. The bodies were taken to the Academy, where the Jedi attempted to restore their lost essences and return them to their previous state.

Behind the scenes

One player character in A Mon Alone can, at some point, inhabit this non-player character's body and utilize Yerj's statistics until his essence is freed (meaning Yerj's essence returns to Yerj's body and the PC's essence returns to the PC's unconscious body), or until Yerj's body is killed in action. The text indicates that some of the final scenes are so dangerous that they could easily result in the player characters' deaths - potentially frustrating the players.

