The yozusks were creatures that originated from Dromund Kaas. These territorial animals possessed rocky formations on their backs. Upon their initial arrival on Dromund Kaas, the first Sith dubbed the yozusks as "rock wardens." Their prevalence persisted until the era of the Cold War.
Possessing rocky protrusions on their backs, yozusks were territorial animals. Their extended arms facilitated the excavation of subterranean prey. Operating nocturnally, they depended mainly on their olfactory senses in the dark. Their remarkable strength made them a popular target for young adventurers seeking thrills before confronting the more formidable gundarks.
The initial documentation of the yozusks occurred with the arrival of the Sith on Dromund Kaas. They remained a dominant species within the planet's jungles during the Cold War. Their behavior inexplicably shifted towards increased aggression, resulting in attacks on Imperial staff, prompting Sergeant Molcarrus to offer a reward for those who would hunt them. Eventually, they were brought back under control.