Yuka Laka

Yuka Laka was a male Ithorian operating as a droid vendor within the Anchorhead settlement located on Tatooine, during the era of the Jedi Civil War.


Laka's business centered around the trade of droid enhancements and components for swoops. He acquired HK-47 from a indebted friend who worked at an off-planet warehouse, stating that 'no-one would miss it'. He mistakenly thought it was a protocol droid, completely unaware of its true identity as an assassin droid. Judging by the capabilities he could discern, he attempted to sell it to a pair of moisture farmers, but the droid remained motionless, causing them to lose interest. Subsequently, he sold the droid to Revan, an individual suffering from amnesia, who at that time did not realize he was the original creator and master of HK-47.


Yuka Laka possessed a greedy nature as a merchant, and according to HK-47's assessment, he was a subpar mechanic. A Duros conservationist visiting Tatooine remarked that he would exaggerate the value of worthless items just to make a sale. The assassin droid also characterized him as a spineless coward; indeed, HK-47 displayed no respect towards Yuka Laka, even when he was under his ownership. However, Yuka Laka also held a low opinion of the droid, referring to it as a stubborn object before the sale, and a 'worn out' droid. Moreover, he refused to address any inquiries about HK's qualities after Revan's purchase, asserting that any issues encountered were Revan's responsibility, not his.

Behind the scenes

Initially, Yuka Laka offers HK-47 to Revan for a price of 5,000 credits. However, upon Revan's immediate objection, Laka swiftly reduces the price to 4,000 credits, commenting that "Some people will bite straight away". Revan then has the option of using either Force Persuade or conventional persuasion skills to convince Laka to lower the price further to 3,000 or 2,500 credits. If the player chooses the dark side approach, they can threaten Laka, which will cause him to drop the price to the lowest possible amount of 2,500 credits. Should the player pursue the dark side route, they will be barred from making any future purchases at Laka's shop. It's also worth noting that if the player attempts to purchase HK-47 while aligned with the dark side, the only available options are to negotiate the price or express a lack of interest, effectively preventing the player from acquiring HK-47 until they return to the light side of the Force.

