
Yutani served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a captain of Human descent. He was both a scout and a heavy weapon specialist within Alliance Special Forces. In 4 ABY, which is a year on the galactic standard calendar, Yutani was present at a briefing on the Alliance flagship known as Home One. During this meeting, Mon Mothma, the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, outlined the strategy for the planned attack on the Galactic Empire's second Death Star battle station.


During the Galactic Civil War, Yutani, a Human, held the rank of captain within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. As a member of Alliance Special Forces, Yutani was both a scout and specialized as a heavy weapon specialist.

During 4 ABY, a significant year, Yutani attended a briefing that took place on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Home One, the Alliance flagship. Mon Mothma, the Supreme Commander of the Alliance forces, detailed the plans to attack the Galactic Empire's battle station, the second Death Star, which was in orbit around the moon of Endor and not yet completed. The Rebel leadership explained that a strike team under the command of General Han Solo would be dispatched to Endor. Their mission was to disable the SLD-26 planetary shield generator protecting the Death Star. This action would then allow Alliance starfighters to proceed with the destruction of the station's main reactor.

Personality and traits

Yutani's physical appearance included fair skin, dark brown hair, and a mustache.


While present at the briefing on Home One, Captain Yutani was wearing the standard uniform issued to Rebel commandos during the briefing. He also had on a jacket with an ammunition bandolier slung across it. To facilitate easy movement while carrying light artillery weapons, Yutani used custom repulsorlift compensators.

Behind the scenes

Yutani's initial appearance was as a background extra during the Rebel briefing scene on Home One in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. According to the fan website Aveleyman, Gordon Hann portrayed Yutani, although he was not credited. Later, the character was given a name and a short backstory on a card within the June 1999 Endor Limited expansion set for Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

