
Zandarreo, who was also referred to as the Jetsam of Lasan, was a gladiator of the Lasat species. He found himself as one of the enslaved fighters within the Grakkus Arena located on Nar Shaddaa. As part of a preliminary promotional announcement by Toren to the Hutt Grakkus, Zandarreo was planned to battle the Wookiee Wrollanppf in a battle to the death, with the fighters being advertised as "One-Eye Volant the Eviscerator" and "Zandarreo, Jetsam of Lasan." A version of the poster advertising Zandarreo's potential fight with Wrollanppf was featured within Maz Kanata's Smuggler's Guide while Toren possessed it.

Behind the scenes

The character Zandarreo was initially referenced within Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, a reference book released in 2018, and written by Daniel Wallace.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
