Zehava functioned as the primary city of the planet Melida/Daan, holding the title of capital. Its establishment occurred one thousand years prior to the ascension of Emperor Palpatine. Throughout the civil war between the Melida and the Daan, the city's boundaries were in a constant state of flux. Historical accounts document over twenty-five distinct conflicts between the Melida and Daan, beginning more than sixty years prior to the Battle of Naboo. The Tenth Battle of Zehava is remembered as the most violent struggle for possession of Zehava. Soon after, Zehava was split into two distinct zones, the northern zone under Daan control, and the southern zone under Melida control. During the Eighteenth Battle of Zehava, the Daan forces used the underground network of tunnels and drains to infiltrate Melida-controlled territories undetected. In the time leading up to the Twenty-Fifth Battle of Zehava, the Daan and Melida groups divided the city into specific zones, and even coexisted in close proximity for a brief period.