Zozridor Slayke

Captain Zozridor Slayke was a male officer of the Human species, characterized by his red hair. He served the Galactic Republic's Judicial Starfleet, acting as commander of the corvette known as the Scarlet Thranta in the time leading up to the Clone Wars.


The details of Slayke's life before his service in the Judicial Forces were unclear, even to his fellow officers.

Not long before the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars-legends] began, the Scarlet Thranta received orders to patrol the Sluis sector, which bordered Separatist territories. Frustrated by the Senate's reluctance to take action against the Separatists, Slayke disobeyed orders. He took the Thranta into the Expansion Region, intending to wage his own war against the Separatists. Soon, other ships, including mercenaries and civilians, were drawn to Slayke's leadership. He named this group of disparate individuals the Sons and Daughters of Freedom, but they were more commonly known as Freedom's Sons.

Even though no battles were officially recorded before the Clone Wars, a reward of 45,000 credits was offered for Slayke's capture by the leaders of Sluis Van. Consequently, a Judicial Department task force, under the command of Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon, was dispatched to apprehend Slayke and recover his ship. However, many people in the Mid Rim saw him as a hero. As the Clone Wars began, Freedom's Sons evolved into a type of auxiliary military group for the Jedi. Palpatine officially pardoned Slayke, provided him with IFF codes to identify him as an ally of the Republic, and authorized him to operate as a privateer against the Separatists.

During 22 BBY, Zozridor collaborated with Halcyon and Anakin Skywalker in the defense of Praesitlyn, a planet that housed a vital Intergalactic Communications Center, against Separatist invaders commanded by the Muun Pors Tonith.

Slayke possessed a natural ability to inspire his troops, but he disliked clone troopers and other members of the Republic military. He referred to clone troopers as 'test-tube soldiers' and called Republic Quartermaster Mess Boulanger 'A blasted box kicker'.

