
Zrim functioned as a Jedi Padawan who was devoted to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the era of the Clone Wars.


As someone sensitive to the Force, Zrim underwent training at the Coruscant Jedi Temple to learn how to wield the Force under the tutelage of the Jedi Order. When the Clone Wars began between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Zrim was chosen to be a Padawan and assumed the role of Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic.

During 19 BBY, Padawan Zrim was stationed at the Temple and took part in the yearly Apprentice Tournament which was supervised by Jedi Master Ilena Xan. In this competition, Zrim was matched against the Padawan known as Flerp.

Behind the scenes

Within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, there's an error where Zrim's name is mistakenly linked with that of Padawan Flerp. In the novel Yoda: Dark Rendezvous, Master Ilena Xan announces the Padawan pairings for upcoming duels. These pairings are presented using only surnames; for example, "Flerp, Zrim." and "Page, Glip." Later, Xan announces, "Chizzik, Enwandung-Esterhazy," providing clear evidence that only surnames were being used.

