Zutmore, a Snivvian, had a reputation for being a cheat, both to her family and her romantic partners. After her duplicity came to light, her family cast her out, leaving her on Tatooine. Often, one could find her in a dazed state at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, lost in thought about her past actions. She was sometimes incorrectly identified as "Rachalt Hyst," but the bartender, Ackmena, continued to call her "Zutmore." Like all Snivvians, other species gave her the nickname "Snaggletooth."
In 1978, the toy manufacturer Kenner created an action figure of the Snivvian named Zutton. The initial version, dressed in blue, was the same size as their standard action figures. It was included in the Sears Cantina Adventure Playset. Later, a revised version was released as a standalone action figure, featuring a red outfit and shorter legs. The original figure, known as "Blue Snaggletooth," became quite rare. The packaging for the second figure showed a picture of Zutmore from the Holiday Special. This seemed to suggest that the Snivvian seen in The Star Wars Holiday Special was the same character, Zutton, who appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. However, because Zutton's appearance differed from the Snivvian in the Holiday Special, the decision was made to treat them as distinct characters.
Adding to the existing confusion, in 2001, Hasbro released a figure named "Zutton," but its design more closely resembled Zutmore. Around the same time, Decipher labeled Zutmore as "Rachalt Hyst" for their Star Wars Customizable Card Game expansion, Tatooine Limited. Subsequent materials, such as the article Rogues Gallery: You're Barred! in Star Wars Insider 144, reverted to the name "Zutmore," as it was written in the Holiday Special script.