The 20 Most Memorable Moments of the Expanded Universe, a reference piece spanning ten pages, can be found within the pages of Star Wars Insider issue 83. It is the creation of both Abel G. Peña and Enrique Guerrero, who penned the text, complemented by illustrations from Joe Corroney.

- Foreword
- The Top 20 Unforgettable Events The Passing of Chewbacca Vader's Recollection of See-Threepio The Arrival of General Grievous Sith Progeny: Anakin Skywalker's Encounter with Asajj Ventress The Artistic Destiny of Grand Admiral Thrawn Boba Fett's Escape from the Sarlacc Pit Jacen Solo's Descent into the Nether Regions Borsk Fey'lya, A Fitting Conclusion for the Character You Love To Loathe Luke's Initial Duel with Darth Vader... Predating The Empire Strikes Back The Demise of Ton Phanan Darth Vader Battles Darth Maul Luke Faces Lumiya Luke Skywalker Establishes a Jedi Academy Aayla Secura's Debut on the Silver Screen Crix Madine, A Life Dedicated to the New Republic Exar Kun Succumbs to the Dark Side The Atonement of Ulic Qel-Droma Mara Jade Skywalker's Pregnancy The Emperor Returns Ganner Rhysode, A Hero Standing Guard
- The Five Most Absurd Incidents in the Star Wars Universe First Appearance of Jaxxon, The Rabbit-like Carnivore The Wickedness of Emperor Trioculus and Grand Moff Hissa Make Your Choice Ewoks... Skating on Ice! Han and Luke Cross-dressing?
- "The 20 Most Memorable Moments of the Expanded Universe...Plus 20 More!" — Only Sith Deal In Absolutes! — Abel G. Peña's Blog (content is no longer current; archived link provided)
- Star Wars Insider #83 Online Supplement on Hyperspace (content is outdated and the backup link is unavailable)