The epoch known as 36,453 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), as measured by the year calendar, falls within the pre-Republic era of galactic time.
The commencement of the Tho Yor Arrival: the eight pyramidal ships known as Tho Yor activated and journeyed across the galaxy, gathering Force-sensitive individuals from a multitude of species originating from various worlds. [1]
Subsequently, the Tho Yor journeyed to Tython, a planet located in the Deep Core, where they converged around the ninth and largest Tho Yor structure. This Tho Yor Arrival resulted in a immense Force Storm, a phenomenon of such magnitude that its power remained unmatched for nearly ten millennia, as Tython responded to the concentrated presence of numerous Force-sensitives. [1]
Following this, the Tho Yor dispersed across Tython, leading the pilgrims to establish the Je'daii Order, an organization dedicated to utilizing the Force. Their primary objective was to uphold equilibrium between the light and dark sides of the Force, both within themselves and in the surrounding environment. [1]