The standard year 3962 BBY, which translates to 309 BTC, 2,962 BRR, and 3,927 BGR, occurred during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. BBY refers to year before the Battle of Yavin.
In the year 3962 BBY, the Mandalorians expanded their reach from their established empire in the Outer Rim Territories and pushed further into the galactic interior. Utilizing the Mandalorian Triumph, a strategic two-part offensive, they battled their way toward the Core Worlds, seizing several planets en route to their objective: the subjugation of Duro.
- Mandalorian Triumph [1]
- Battle of the Charros system[1]
- Battle of the Randon system[1]
- Battle of Eres III[1]
- Battle of the Exodeen system[1]
- Battle of Duro[1]
- Battle of Essien [8]
- Battle of Halthor [9]
- Raid on Dantooine [10]