The 3HX3 timer mine represented a specific type of land mine created by Conner Ship Systems.
A straightforward land mine, the 3HX3 timer mine was a product of Conner Ship Systems. This mine incorporated several explosive charges and was fitted with both a repulsor-field sensor and a life-form sensor. Upon detection of a vehicle or soldiers by either sensor, the 3HX3 would deploy one of its explosive charges. These charges could ascend to a height of three meters and possessed significant power. They were capable of inflicting serious damage to enemy vehicles, including landspeeders and AT-ST walkers, or eliminating an entire squad of combatants.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Rebel vanguard divisions utilized the 3HX3 mines.
The Star Wars: Battlefront video game series includes appearances of the 3HX3 mines.