Initially, 41-VEX, a medical droid, was assigned to a clinic situated in Mos Eisley on the desert planet of Tatooine. In an attempt to secure its autonomy, it unknowingly became bound to Teemo, a Hutt. Teemo then enhanced the droid to function as both a medical and maintenance droid within his opulent palace. Later, with the help of a band of adventurers, the droid successfully escaped Teemo's clutches.
Originally, 41-VEX was a medical droid stationed at a medical facility within Mos Eisley on the arid world of Tatooine. VEX's programming was designed to actively seek out the most cutting-edge surgical methods and learning algorithms, all in the pursuit of expanding its medical knowledge and capabilities. This inherent drive for self-improvement, combined with the fact that it hadn't undergone a memory wipe in several decades, led to the droid developing a degree of independent thought and action. After decades of tending to victims of blaster fire and broken limbs, the droid decided that the only way to truly advance its medical expertise was to purchase its own freedom.
41-VEX procured a loan from a local lender, who happened to be in the service of Teemo, a Hutt crime lord. It was promised freedom to enhance its programming and offered several hardware and software upgrades at Teemo's palace. However, upon its arrival, 41-VEX discovered that the promised enhancements came at a cost. The droid was swiftly fitted with a restraining bolt and forced to provide medical assistance to Teemo's palace guards and gladiators.
During its time in servitude at the palace, 41-VEX forged significant relationships, forming what it considered to be its closest "friendships" on Tatooine. It regularly treated Teemo's favored gladiator, a Wookiee known as Lowhhrick, and frequently repaired the ship belonging to a young human smuggler pilot named Pash. After a young human technician named Mathus inserted new code into 41-VEX, encouraging it to attempt an escape, the droid introduced Pash and Lowhhrick, with the intention of aiding the Wookiee in his escape from Teemo's control. Lowhhrick then removed the restraining bolt from 41-VEX and invited the droid to join them in their escape.
The whereabouts of 41-VEX following its escape from Tatooine remain unknown.