43rd Battalion

The 43rd Battalion, also known by the moniker Killer Aiwha, served as a clone trooper battalion within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Back in 21 BBY, the 43rd took part in the Battle of Jabiim and found themselves stationed at Shelter Base, a Republic military installation situated on the planet. During the aforementioned battle, Separatist forces launched an assault on Shelter Base, resulting in the battalion's complete annihilation. The battle ultimately concluded with a Republic defeat, marked by substantial losses for the Republic forces.


Within the Galactic Republic's Grand Army, the 43rd Battalion functioned as a clone trooper battalion throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. These wars represented a galactic struggle between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The battalion bore the nickname "Killer Aiwha," a reference to a type of flying creature native to the planet of Kamino.


The Galactic Republic attempted to reconquer Jabiim

In the year 21 BBY, Jabiim declared its secession from the Republic, prompting the deployment of a Republic task force aimed at reconquering the planet. Following their arrival, the 43rd integrated into the Republic force and assumed a position at Shelter Base, while the rest of the Grand Army moved to engage three Separatist-held locations.

Commander Alto Stratus of the Separatist forces initiated a counter-offensive against the poorly defended Shelter Base. Amidst a stormy night, Separatist troops utilized hailfire droids to unleash a barrage upon the base. This assault led to the deaths of thirty-two members of the 43rd, along with three Jedi, and the battalion's complete destruction. The Battle of Jabiim persisted for several weeks, ultimately leading to the Republic troops' retreat from Jabiim after enduring substantial losses.

Behind the scenes

The 43rd Battalion was initially referenced in Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:9:01, a HoloNet News bulletin published in-universe within Star Wars Insider 69. This issue, penned by Pablo Hidalgo, was released on June 27, 2003.

