50R-T, spoken as "Sortie," was a tactical droid whose existence can be traced back to the era of the Old Republic, during the time of its prominence. Exhibiting similarities to droids within the GEMINI series, 50R-T ended up as discarded fragments on a war-torn landscape. Subsequently, she underwent a reprogramming process, transforming her into a croupier droid under the ownership of new individuals. These owners anticipated that 50R-T's inherent aptitude for tactical thinking would prove advantageous in the realm of gambling activities. 50R-T was armed with a blaster pistol, in addition to a customized set of Sabacc cards, which she employed as weapons against adversaries.
The character of 50R-T was conceived as a unique playable entity for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, the mobile game developed by Electronic Arts. Her inception was the result of a collaborative effort between EA Capital Games and BioWare, which aimed to incorporate Darth Malgus, the antagonist from Star Wars: The Old Republic, into the game. After reviewing concepts from BioWare for a new droid character, the Galaxy of Heroes team collaborated with them, evolving the concept into 50R-T. Her introduction occurred on May 11, 2022, with her availability within the game commencing on the following day.
50R-T's visual design was inspired by the Iokath droid models featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith, specifically the PH4-LNX companion, which exhibits an almost identical appearance to 50R-T.