

Abin-Ral-Xufush was commander of the pirate fleet known as the Shadow Wing (also known as the Dark Wing), which plied the Perlemian Trade Route and other major spacelanes, hunting anything he could track. He held a strong anti-Human prejudice, and was approximately 15% more likely to strike Human-populated worlds.

However, Abin's prejudice only extended to his prey; all Shadow Wing members were treated equally, regardless of species or homeworld. He rarely accepted new crew without first checking their trustworthiness and value to the organization, testing them first with trivial assignments, then increasing their difficulty until Abin was satisfied with their worthiness. He showed no tolerance for insubordinate or treacherous crew, and ran a disciplined ship. His crew respected his leadership skill and tactical savvy, and demonstrated great loyalty to him.

Abin absorbed all takings from his raids directly into the Shadow Wing; combat-capable ships were put to use in the fleet, other ships were cannibalized for components, slaves were recruited, and cargoes were rarely sold, instead being used to support the ships and crews. He built up a fleet capable of invading and looting entire planets, descending like a swarm of insects, employing overwhelming force to take what it wanted, and departing.

The Galactic Empire charged Abin-Ral-Xufush with piracy, flight to avoid Imperial prosecution, and conspiracy. He was the target of a 300,000-credit galaxywide bounty, a rare honor for a nonpolitical criminal during the Galactic Civil War.

Personality and traits

Abin-Ral-Xufush was a ruthless and efficient leader with a keen mind, tactical savvy, and a strong anti-human sentiment. He was a predator that hunted anything he could track, and held no favorites when it came to choosing targets other than attacking human planets more frequently than nonhuman ones, though even this could be attributed to the settlement pattern of human worlds. His bias against humans was not apparent in his recruiting and promoting practices within the Shadow Wing, where all members were treated fairly regardless of species or homeworld. He ran a well-disciplined ship, and tolerated neither insubordination nor betrayal; his methods for maintaining discipline across his large fleet and many captains were unknown, as were his ultimate goals in assembling the Shadow Wing.

Abin was in his early thirties during the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and Rebel Alliance. He had a red diamond pattern on his back and white scales on his underside, a pattern consistent with the sil-ar race of Tiss'shar.


Abin typically wore a green baldric, and kept on his person a datapad, a comlink, and a BlasTech StarSlasher blaster carbine. His ship, the Fa-Loh-Sui, was a Corellian Engineering Corporation corvette that was regarded as the pride of his fleet; it was stolen from a Rebel command in the Outer Rim Territories. Abin named it after a beautiful Tiss'shar assassin of the same name he once courted.


  • Pirates & Privateers
  • Ultimate Alien Anthology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
