Around 0 ABY, Captain Annance awaited the arrival of Coh Veshiv. Throughout his command, he ordered all personnel under his command to remain out of combat against the Rebel Alliance as he was given the exact assignment to ferry Advisor Veshiv. During the course to Esseles onboard the Empire Forever, Annance grew steadily more annoyed by Veshiv's complaining about his wanting to accompany a cruiser rather than the modest corvette through his inspection.
Around 0 ABY, Captain Annance awaited the arrival of Coh Veshiv. Throughout his command, he ordered all personnel under his command to remain out of combat against the Rebel Alliance as he was given the exact assignment to ferry Advisor Veshiv. During the course to Esseles onboard the Empire Forever, Annance grew steadily more annoyed by Veshiv's complaining about his wanting to accompany a cruiser rather than the modest corvette through his inspection.