Coh Veshiv

Coh Veshiv

Before 0 BBY, Coh Veshiv, a male Human, held the position of Imperial Advisor and had authority over the Ringali Shell, the Bormea, and Darpa sectors. Veshiv, previously a senator, excelled at uncovering secrets and using blackmail, skills that propelled him within the Galactic Empire. He reached the highest levels, second only to those closest to Palpatine, the Emperor. Following an incident that displeased Palpatine, Veshiv was dispatched from Coruscant, a planet, in 0 BBY to inspect the sectors under his control. He traveled on the Empire Forever, a CR90 corvette. Approximately three months into his tour, around 0 ABY, Veshiv was kidnapped by privateering allies of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This group operated the Far Orbit, a former Imperial EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. The Far Orbit's crew tricked Veshiv into boarding their frigate on Esseles, under the guise of it being an Imperial vessel, before handing him over to the Alliance.


Coh Veshiv, a male Human, played a significant role in the politics of the Galactic Empire. Prior to the dissolution of the Imperial Senate in 0 BBY, Veshiv held the position of senator. However, his true rise came from his mastery of blackmail. Veshiv exploited the hidden information of other Imperial politicians, trading favors for his silence. This skill allowed him to become a powerful figure within the Imperial Court on Coruscant, the capital world, eventually becoming an Imperial Advisor to Palpatine, the Emperor.

As an Imperial Advisor, Veshiv oversaw the Bormea and Darpa sectors of the Core Worlds, and represented the Ringali Shell, a region spanning both sectors, within the Imperial Court. He also kept the Moffs and Grand Moffs informed of the Emperor's desires. Veshiv would relay select secrets to Palpatine, who considered him subtly amusing. However, Veshiv inadvertently angered Palpatine when, while seeking compromising information on a Grand Admiral, he uncovered illicit fund transfers. When the Grand Admiral remained unyielding to Veshiv's blackmail, the Advisor informed Palpatine. However, Palpatine had authorized the Grand Admiral to use those funds for classified starfighter research. Annoyed that Veshiv had compromised the operation's secrecy, Palpatine instructed Sate Pestage, a high-ranking Imperial Advisor, to relocate Veshiv away from Coruscant.

Veshiv was dispatched from Coruscant to conduct inspections of his assigned areas. He utilized the Empire Forever, a CR90 corvette captained by Annance, for this purpose, its interior largely converted into recreational space for Veshiv. The Empire Forever also featured an arboretum containing plant life from the Advisor's homeworld. While modified for speed and durability, the ship was instructed to avoid combat to safeguard Veshiv. In 0 ABY, almost three months after the tour commenced, Veshiv and the Empire Forever reached Esseles. By this point, Veshiv, dissatisfied with the corvette, had repeatedly requested a larger vessel and had irritated Annance, a normally patient individual.

Coh Veshiv is captured by the privateers.

Following a three days stay on Esseles, Veshiv and the Empire Forever prepared to depart from jump point 180:45:115, near Platform 8127/121, a Golan III Space Defense NovaGun. However, before Veshiv's departure, the Imperial EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Far Orbit appeared near Esseles. Captain Dhas Fenoep Vedij of the Far Orbit contacted the Empire Forever, offering to transport Veshiv for the next leg of his journey and providing Annance with the received orders. Upon being informed of the transfer, Veshiv, along with his two aides, Vestig and Pich, and his contingent of veteran stormtrooper bodyguards, were transported to the Far Orbit aboard Veshiv's personal Lambda-class T-4a shuttle Myrenia.

Upon boarding, Veshiv immediately complained about the frigate, desiring a cruiser instead, and even mentioned that Darth Vader, the Sith Lord and Imperial Navy's Supreme Commander, whom he derisively called a "black-hearted lackey," commanded the Super Star Destroyer Executor. Once the EF76 entered hyperspace towards Veshiv's next destination, the crew of the Far Orbit turned against Veshiv and his escort. Unbeknownst to Veshiv, the crew had become privateers for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, engaged in the Galactic Civil War with the Empire, after mutinying against the Imperial commander of the Far Orbit. Intercepting an Imperial transmission pinpointing Veshiv's location, the Far Orbit's crew decided to capture the Advisor. As the crew attempted to take Veshiv, the stormtrooper guards resisted, attempting to reach the bridge to call for help, resulting in a firefight within the ship's corridors. Ultimately, the crew overwhelmed Veshiv's guards and captured the Imperial Advisor.

Imprisoned in the brig, Veshiv offered the Far Orbit's crew numerous Imperial political secrets of little value in exchange for his safety. He was eventually handed over to the Alliance for a ransom of 10,000 credits. Following Veshiv's capture by privateers, the Imperials dedicated resources to locating and eliminating the Far Orbit. Palpatine, angered by Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik's failure to prevent the capture, sent Teshik on a suicide mission to the Andalia system. To conceal Veshiv's disappearance, Imperial HoloVision reported that Veshiv had died when his shuttle struck a stray asteroid during his inspection tour, adding that the Empire had yet to find a replacement.

Personality and traits

Veshiv managed to annoy many a person, including Annance.

Coh Veshiv was characterized by vanity, gluttony, and a consumptive nature. His physical condition was poor, marked by an unhealthy complexion and diminished vitality, with his weight hindering his movements. He possessed a sharp intellect, a perfect memory, and extensive knowledge of the Imperial Court's workings and general bureaucracy. Obsessed with the secrets of others, he had a knack for uncovering improprieties and embarrassing facts about Imperial politicians. Veshiv was also a skilled blackmailer, using this and his discovered secrets to advance politically. He would typically begin extortion with a minor secret before revealing more significant information. In exchange for his silence, Veshiv received favors from those he blackmailed.

After being dispatched from Coruscant on the Empire Forever, Veshiv resented being on a corvette, considering it no better than the ships he had used as a senator. The lack of a prestigious vessel bothered him, a slight orchestrated by Pestage. Upon finally receiving a better ship, he immediately complained that it was a frigate, not a cruiser. Self-centered, Veshiv was widely considered annoying, including by Annance and the Far Orbit's crew. A coward, Veshiv sweated during the battle on the Far Orbit, despite carrying a hold-out blaster and being capable of using it. In addition to the blaster, he carried a comlink. He possessed some skill in operating repulsorcrafts and had technical abilities, including programming droids and computers. Veshiv also had a broad knowledge base, encompassing alien species, business, languages, culture, law enforcement, and scholarly material.

Behind the scenes

Coh Veshiv was initially mentioned in 1998's The Far Orbit Project by Timothy S. O'Brien, and he appeared in the roleplaying game adventure The Capture of Coh Veshiv from the same book. The Far Orbit Project served as a supplement to West End Games's Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.

While The Far Orbit Project suggests luring Coh Veshiv onto the Far Orbit, players are free to capture him using any method. The book outlines two scenarios for the battle over Veshiv, depending on when the crew attempts to capture him after he boards the Far Orbit. If the players attempt to seize Veshiv before entering hyperspace, the Myrenia and its pilots may warn the Golan III space station and the Empire Forever of the Far Orbit's true allegiances. If a warning is sent, the Golan III and the CR90 will attempt to intercept the frigate. However, if the crew attacks Veshiv after entering hyperspace, the shuttle cannot issue a warning. This article assumes that the crew enters hyperspace before attempting to seize Veshiv.

