Arguez sausage

Arguez sausage was a type of spicy sausage that could be found on the Outer Rim planet Akiva. In 1 ABY, Temmin Wexley began to deliver food baskets to his aunt Esmelle and her wife, Shirene, each week to help care for them. The baskets usually contained bread and fruits, and occasionally arguez sausage or wyrg-jerky. The pilot Norra Wexley returned to Akiva three years after she had left her son, Temmin, on the world so that she could fight with the Rebel Alliance. Shirene informed Norra of the self-sustainability Temmin had gained while she was away, citing the food packages as evidence.

Arguez sausage was mentioned in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.

Behind the scenes

Arguez sausage was mentioned in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.






