The assault on Starlight Beacon occurred during the High Republic Era when the Starlight Beacon space station came under attack by the Drengir, a species of sentient carnivorous plants. The attack was a result of the Jedi Order bringing aboard the corpse of a Hutt trader whose starship had been attacked by Nihil marauders after departing the planet Sedri Minor with a cargo of Vratixian barley. The Hutt's system had been infected by the Drengir, who burst from the corpse while the Jedi were performing an autopsy. Jedi Master Estala Maru and Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh proceeded to fend off the Drengir as Maru attempted to contact Marshal Avar Kriss for assistance; Kriss, however, was occupied with events on Sedri Minor.
- "The One With the Green Thumb" — Star Wars - The Official Magazine 107
- Star Wars: Timelines
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia