
Barva-Zul was a human member of the Remainders, former bounty hunters who managed the Moonbender Colony. A munitions expert, Barva-Zul served as the colony's sheriff. Between around 40 BBY and 32 BBY, the Sith apprentice Darth Maul attacked the Moonbender Colony, and Barva-Zul and the other Remainders attempted to defend it. Barva-Zul fired at Maul with a blaster cannon, forcing the Sith to retreat. While searching for Maul, Barva-Zul found what appeared to be the incapacitated Sith apprentice, unaware that Maul had killed the Remainder Jeq and dressed the body in his cloak. When Barva-Zul realized the truth, Maul emerged and stabbed the former bounty hunter with his lightsaber. Before dying, Barva-Zul detonated explosives in the walls that they had embedded with durasteel fragments, blasting the area with shrapnel. Maul was injured, but survived, subsequently killing the other Remainders.



