Battle of Aguarl 3


Following intelligence provided by a Quarren spy, the Imperial Star Destroyer Ravagor swiftly deployed a wing of TIE/sa Bombers to destroy the Rebel base hidden under the seas of Aguarl 3. Assigned to the task were the pilots, Willks, Rawst, Parrot and Ranulf Trommer.

The battle

The Rebel Base under command of Leia Organa quickly detected the fighter squadron, activating the Rebel anti-air emplacements. The mines swiftly destroyed all but one target, the bomber piloted by Ranulf Trommer. Although his craft had sustained damage, Trommer successfully launched three concussion missiles, striking the base's launch bay and flooding the facility, forcing the Rebels to evacuate.


Returning to the Ravagor, Trommer and his smoking ship were recovered by the Star Destroyer's tractor beam and brought to the flight deck. Imperial Firefighting droids hosed down the craft and recovered the critically injured Trommer, rushing him to surgery and saving his life at the cost of his leg. Disgusted by his cybernetic replacement, Trommer endeavored to hide it in his return to service, seeing it as dishonorable.

Ranulf Trommer's single-handed victory in the engagement led him to be known as the "Hero of Aguarl 3" to both the Empire and Rebel Alliance, and earned him an appointment to Governor Grigor's on M'haeli as a spy for Grand Moff Lynch Hauser


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