While the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were invading Galactic Republic territory during the Mandalorian Wars conflict, in 3962 BBY, the two did battle on the planet of Azure, which the Mandalorians had also raided earlier. The Mandalorians planned to take control of the Core World of Duro as a result of a campaign they called Mandalorian Triumph, which was an offensive push originating from their territory. Their first target was the planet of Eres III, which they devastated before moving to be victorious at Azure. Next, they attacked the planet of Contruum before moving further Coreward.
In 24 ABY, Vilnau Teupt delivered the keynote address at the four-hundred-twelfth Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology and History, in which he spoke on the Mandalorian race's development, mentioning Mandalorian Triumph and the battle at Azure during his overview of the Mandalorian Wars.
The battle was first referenced in The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry and released in 2009. The Azure system was indicated on the galactic map showing systems that hosted battles of the Mandalorian Wars.
The battle was first referenced in The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry and released in 2009. The Azure system was indicated on the galactic map showing systems that hosted battles of the Mandalorian Wars.
- The Essential Atlas
- The Essential Guide to Warfare