Battle of Contruum

A battle on the planet of Contruum took place as part of the Mandalorian Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, in 3962 BBY. It occurred during a Mandalorian campaign to capture of the Core World of Duro. Mandalorian Triumph, as the charge was called, brought the Mandalorian forces from their territory through the planet of Azure. After Azure, they won the battle on Contruum and moved on to take the Gizer system, proceeding further Coreward.

In the keynote address at the four-hundred-twelfth Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology and History, in 24 ABY, Vilnau Teupt spoke of the Mandalorian race's development, dwelling on the Mandalorian Wars and talking on Mandalorian Triumph, mentioning the sacking of Contruum.

The battle was referenced once in 2009's The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, in which the Contruum system was marked on the galactic map showing systems that hosted battles of the Mandalorian Wars.

Behind the scenes

The battle was referenced once in 2009's The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, in which the Contruum system was marked on the galactic map showing systems that hosted battles of the Mandalorian Wars.


  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
