The Chiss Captain Brast'alshi'barku belonged to one of the Nine Ruling Families of the Chiss Ascendancy. Every Chiss Ruling Family was associated with a specific color, and that of this family was green.
In 27 BBY, Chiss Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet's Picket Force Two impounded a light freighter, the Bargain Hunter, which was captained by smuggler Dubrak Qennto and crewed by Jorj Car'das and Maris Ferasi. Two Chiss warriors belonging to the family and sporting green shoulder patches on their black uniforms helped to bring the smugglers aboard the Springhawk, a cruiser under the command of Mitth'raw'nuruodo—known to the smugglers by his core name: Thrawn.
The family retained their position at least until 22 ABY, but were absent from a reduced list of four Ruling Families supplied in a report by the University of Sanbra during the Yuuzhan Vong War, and were also absent during a Jedi mission to Csilla in 28 ABY. This discrepancy remained unexplained until 35 ABY, when it was asserted that five of the Nine Ruling Families had fallen from power due to a civil conflict in the Chiss Ascendancy, which was not unprecedented as the number of Ruling Families fluctuated between three and twelve throughout Chiss history.