Bravo 3 (clone trooper)


Bravo 3 was among the forces deployed on the moon of the planet Thule via an Acclamator-class assault ship along with the Jedi Anakin Skywalker with the task of disabling a planetary shield protecting Thule. Upon landing, they were promptly engaged by Separatist forces deployed from a nearby landing craft overlooking the position.

When the area was cleared, Bravo 3 assisted Skywalker and his squadmate in protecting a convoy of Republic Troop Transports bound for the complex with their complement of clone engineers. Along the way, the group encountered waves of STAPs, Ground Armored Tanks, and Spider walkers before one of the transports succumbed to artillery fire from a distance, forcing them to stop momentarily.

After Skywalker eliminated the Heavy Artillery Guns firing on their position with his AT-XT, the group resumed along the path, encountering additional droid craft. After eliminating a pair of laser turrets guarding the perimeter of the complex, as well as AATs approaching from the sides, the remaining transports successfully ferried the engineers, therefore breaching the wall and allowing Skywalker passage. Because of Bravo 3's efforts, Skywalker was successful in lowering the shield, completing the first phase of the mission.




