C-1023 request

A C-1023 request was a document that could be submitted to the New Republic in order to request the stay of decommissioning of Imperial equipment that was of particular interest. The request was an amend to standard New Republic procedure, followed after the ending of the Galactic Civil War, that saw scientific and military equipment alike being dismantled and destroyed regardless of their condition or functionality.

Around 9 ABY, when Amnesty Program member Penn Pershing attempted to protest the scrapping of what he saw as still useful Imperial technology, a lab tech mentioned the C-1023 as a possible way to request they be saved. The lab tech added, however, that although Amnesty personnel should theoretically be able to file the request, they had not seen a member of the program do one before and was not sure if it was actually possible.

A C-1023 request was mentioned in "Chapter 19: The Convert," the third episode of season three of the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian, which aired on March 15, 2023.

Behind the scenes

A C-1023 request was mentioned in "Chapter 19: The Convert," the third episode of season three of the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian, which aired on March 15, 2023.



