Child Of Winds

Child Of Winds was a male Qom Qae, the son of Qom Qae Bargainer Hunter Of Winds. Child of Winds helped Luke Skywalker find Mara Jade and later assisted them during their infiltration of the Hand of Thrawn. Afterwards, Jade told Child of Winds' father that he had earned an adult name through his actions, and suggested that Child Of Winds should become Friend of Jedi. Although he did not outright agree, Hunter Of Winds told her that he would consider it.

Child Of Winds and some of his Qom Qae friends flew Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker to a lake, where they almost drowned, but Skywalker proposed to Jade and they were married.

Personality and traits

Child Of Winds was a brave Qom Qae youth who was eager to face danger in order to help Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade find the base of the Chiss "Threateners." He was easily bothered by the disdain the Qom Jha held towards him as one of the Qom Qae and disliked being underestimated because of his young age. Consequently, Child Of Winds had a strong desire to prove himself and his people to both the Qom Jha guides and Skywalker and Jade.

Only about half the size of an adult of his species, Child Of Winds had brown-gray colored fur and dark eyes. He was about 30 centimeters tall from his head to talons.

Behind the scenes

Child Of Winds first appeared in the 1998 novel Vision of the Future written by Timothy Zahn.


  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






