Qom Jha and Qom Qae

The Qom Qae and Qom Jha were sentient avian species that were originally from the planet called Nirauan. Mature individuals typically measured between 60 and 100 centimeters from the top of their heads to the tips of their taloned feet. Their bodies were covered in sleek, brown-gray skin. These creatures possessed skin-covered wings, giving them a superficial similarity to bats. Inside their mouths, they had two rows of small, pointed teeth. Despite their diminutive size, large gatherings of Qom Qae or Qom Jha had the combined strength to elevate and relocate [starfighter](/article/starfighter/legends]-sized vessels. This capability was encapsulated in the Qom Jha saying, "Many vines woven together are stronger than the same number of vines separately."

The Qom Qae and Qom Jha exhibited only subtle differences both biologically and culturally. The Qom Qae, which were smaller and had brown skin, constructed their nests on cliffs and habitually perched in an upright position. Conversely, the Qom Jha, being larger and darker in color, inhabited the cave systems of Nirauan and favored hanging upside down from stalactites. Due to these differing environments, the Qom Jha, who lived in caves, developed exceptional vision in low-light conditions, while the Qom Qae possessed superior eyesight in brightly lit areas.

Both the Qom Qae and the Qom Jha were regarded as pests by the Chiss and the former Imperial troops stationed at the Hand of Thrawn fortress, which served the Empire of the Hand. However, they were quite intelligent. In fact, all Qom Qae and Qom Jha had a slight connection to the Force, which allowed them to communicate through a combination of chirps and telepathy. Individuals sensitive to the Force were able to comprehend their language.

InfiltratingEC Qom Jha and Qom Qae alongside Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade under the Hand of Thrawn. Qom Qae and Qom Jha organized themselves into small social units known as "nestings," each under the leadership of a Bargainer. While the adult members were protective of their territory, the children were permitted to move freely across these boundaries. This allowed them to function as unofficial ambassadors between different nestings and to gather information, even between Qom Qae and Qom Jha groups, which generally maintained an unfriendly relationship with each other. The young were not given names at birth, instead being called "Child of (parent's name)". Adults earned their names based on their distinguishing characteristics or significant actions, such as "Hunter Of Winds" (the leader of a Qom Qae nesting), "Eater Of Fire Creepers" (the leader of a Qom Jha nesting), "Splitter Of Stones," "Keeper Of Promises," "Builder With Vines," "Flyer Through Spikes" and "Child Of Winds" (the son of Hunter of Winds.)

Qom Qae and Qom Jha displayed a considerable sense of adventure. The Qom Jha particularly enjoyed consuming fire creepers, which were carnivorous insects that migrated through their cave habitats in large swarms. Both groups from Nirauan possessed some familiarity with the Empire, the New Republic, and the Jedi. This knowledge was acquired through eavesdropping on the personnel stationed at the Hand of Thrawn and by stowing away aboard starships. Qom Qae from Hunter of Wind's nesting, together with Qom Jha from Eater of Fire Creepers's nesting, assisted Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker in their investigation of the Hand of Thrawn.

