Class-D detonator

Class-D detonators were one of the most devastating pieces of disruptor technology in the galaxy. Invented by the mysterious fatalists of Plootark IX, Class-D detonators used Class-D disintegration to annihilate a target. Class-D disintegration, also known as transcendental annihilation, was the epitome of disruptor technology. Class-D devices disintegrated all organic and non-organic matter by shattering their chemical bonds at an atomic level. They were considered the ultimate affront to life and the Living Force because they targeted midi-chlorians and created a wound in the Force. Class-D detonators did not detonate in a fiery explosion and instead produced a rippling bubble that annihilated all matter in a five-meter radius in a single zeptosecond. Because of their cataclysmic-level of destruction, Class-D detonators were outlawed across the galaxy.

During a mission to capture the rogue genetic terrorist Zeta Magnus on the planet Skye, a squad of Sun Guards disguised as clone commandos infiltrated the Jedi task force. They secretly carried Class-D detonators and used them against a horde of Oskan blood eaters. The detonation disintegrated the oskans, created a perfect ten-meter wide crater in the floor, and collapsed the cavern ceiling. Sensing the wound in the Force the detonator created, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi berated the commandos. When the commandos later turned on the Jedi in Zeta Magnus' castle, they used another Class-D detonator against them. The detonator was triggered by Jedi Padawan Halagad Ventor with the Force and detonated in the clone's hand. The destructive bubble that formed engulfed the commandos and the cloning cylinders holding the clones of Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Halagad.



