Tark Squad was an elite clone commando squad that existed as part of the Special Operations Brigade of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The four members of the squad were Thyrsian mercenaries trained by Sarsius Torne, a Thyrsus Sun Guard, on Kamino. Sarsius trained Tark Squad as a means to infiltrate the Grand Army of the Republic. The clones had cybernetic control bands that made them remorseless and obedient. The members of Tark Squad may have been clones of Sarsius. Tark is the Thyrsian word for "Four".
Nilo wore a pauldron that distinguished him from the rest of Tark Squad. His name was also the Thyrsian word for "Zero". Nilo greatly favored the term "optimal" over other informal clone slang for positive assessments. Ironically, at the end of his life, Nilo was vaporized by a Class-D detonator.
Xoni's name was the Thyrsian word for "One".
Quo's name was the Thyrsian word for "Two".
Kupe wore standard clone commando armor with a silver finish like the majority of his squad. He had a great fascination with Jedi and their force abilities, often asking his Jedi commanders questions about the Jedi. Kupe's name was the Thyrsian word for "Three".