In 19 ABY, agents of the Imperial Remnant fomented a riot in the area of Merchant's Square in the Bothawui city of Drev'starn, playing off civil unrest caused by the Caamas Document Crisis. After a large crowd gathered in the square, Imperial agents fired several sniper shots, which ignited a panic which drove the crowd into the nearby Combined Clans Center Building. Bothan guards responded by firing shots into the mob, which was only prevented access to the building's upper floors through the efforts of famed New Republic hero Han Solo. In the chaos, twenty-seven rioters lost their lives, and about forty more were injured.
Among the casualties were two unarmed Leresen, whose people retaliated by sending a task force to destroy a small space station in orbit over Bothawui, killing twenty-one innocent Bothans (according to their own laws, twenty innocent lives were an acceptable proxy for two guilty persons of the same "tribe"). This spurred the Mon Calamari and Diamalan governments to send task forces to protect Bothawui from further aggression, precipitating the build-up of warships in orbit that eventually sparked the second Battle of Bothawui.