Conclave on Coruscant

The Conclave on Coruscant was a Jedi conclave of the New Jedi Order, held in the Jedi headquarters on Coruscant in 26 ABY. The meeting was called by Luke Skywalker to attempt to heal the schism among the Jedi over following his own view or the more aggressive leadership offered by Jedi Master Kyp Durron. The majority of the Jedi sided with Kyp, viewing that the actions he espoused were no different than those done by Jedi (including Skywalker himself) in fighting past evils. This led to Skywalker's decision to offer a vision of his own to inspire the Jedi, rather than just repeating Jedi tenets to them.

Due to the number of Jedi called to the conclave, as well as the others on missions across the galaxy, the Peace Brigade was able to attack the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.



