The Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies was a school situated in Crevasse City on Alderaan for upper-class girls.
In 12 BBY, the school's governess, Madam Nestor, sent a letter to Senator Bail Organa to inform him that they had decided to expel his seven-year-old adoptive daughter, Leia Organa, due to several infractions.
The collegium had existed for several thousand years until it was destroyed along with the rest of Alderaan by the Death Star in 0 BBY.
The Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies was first mentioned in a databank entry for Princess Leia in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.
The Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies was first mentioned in a databank entry for Princess Leia in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.