Crowley (Human)

Crowley was a Human female who served as a Master Sergeant in the Grand Army of the Republic and later a member of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.


After the Clone Wars ended in 19 BBY, Crowley settled on Sulon during the declaration of the New Order. By 1 BBY, she joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic to battle against the Galactic Empire. She was one of the twenty-six Rebel resistance soldiers who fought with Morgan Katarn during Jerec's attack at the G-Tap. It was she who notified him about the arrival of an assault ship; Katarn recognized it as the same Corellian light freighter that attacked his farm.

Behind the scenes

Crowley was possibly named after Dermot Crowley, the actor who played the Rebel general Crix Madine.



