Cryle Cavv

Cryle Cavv was a Human male thief who served as a former member of Cracken's Crew. He was the owner of the R2-series astromech droid, R2-RC and the ship, G Cat, and was instrumental in the rescue of Rivoche Tarkin and the capture of the Super Star Destroyer Guardian.


When his nephew Sienn Sconn's parents were killed during the Ryvellia uprising, Cavv travelled to V'eldalv to rescue the boy. He then raised him as his own. Cavv spent time on Contruum where he worked with Cracken as part of Cracken's Crew.

Rescuing Rivoche Tarkin

Some time after 0 BBY, Cavv reported to Cracken and reminisced about old times. Cracken revealed that an Imperial spy had infiltrated the Rebel Alliance and stole an encrypted list of deep cover agents. Cavv learned he wasn't on the list, but was informed that the niece of Wilhuff Tarkin, Rivoche Tarkin, was and needed to be extracted to safety immediately. Cavv agreed to take on the mission, and requested some assistance. Cracken introduced him to Quillin Arkell, who the general had picked to accompany Cavv to Corulag.

Cavv and Arkell departed on the G Cat. As Cavv attempted to make small talk with Arkell, the Velbari told the thief that is was dishonorable to associate with him. Cavv joked with the warrior, but Arkell became insulted and stood up to confront Cavv. Due to the cramped confines of the starship, he knocked himself unconcious before getting to Cavv. The thief put him in a bunk and applied first aid. When the warrior regained consciousness, Cavv talked about the Velabri Bloodvow and Arkell told him on why he was serving under Cracken.

As the ship approached Corulag, Cavv prepared his disguise as an Imperial noble so they could land on the planet without drawing suspicion. Arkell recognized the G Cat as a Helix-class light interceptor but Cavv assured him that he had the proper paperwork that would prevent any inspection. He told Arkell that the warrior would have to assume the role of a bodyguard. When they arrived at the planet, they were stunned to see a huge armada of ships in orbit. R2-RC received a transmission that welcomed them to the engagement party of Vastin Caglio and Rivoche Tarkin. Cavv quickly realized that party would be excellent cover for infiltrating the planet and ordered his droid to add them to the invitation list. He and Arkell landed on the planet and made their way to Tarkin's apartment. After attempting to bluff their way in, Cavv gave Tarkin the passphrase that identified himself and told her she had to leave immediately.

Before they could escape, ISB officer Sollaine arrived with a group of Storm commandos to arrest Tarkin. Cavv shoved a package containing thermite into his hands and locked the door of the apartment. The thief used a detonator to remotely explode the package, blowing a hole in the side of the building. After escaping the building, the group took to the streets of Curamelle in an attempt to get to the spaceport.

Cavv was concerned about the extensive patrols and Imperial forces, and deduced that Moff Jamson Caglio had presumed Tarkin was kidnapped while Sollaine knew she was a spy who was trying to get to safety. Despite the knowledge, he was still unsure of how to get off-planet until he realized that his droid could bring the ship to him. Tarkin informed him the tallest building in the city was the Royal Galaxy Hotel so Caav decided to use the roof as a rendezvous point. Once they got to the hotel, Caav broken into a hotel room so they could wait for backup. Caav had used security cameras to check the roof and noticed that Sollaine and a group of bounty hunters were waiting to ambush them. Once Finn Varatha arrived and was introduced to everyone, Cavv led the group to the roof where they defeated the assembled bounty hunters.

Escaping the planet, Cavv attempted to pilot the G Cat through the armada of ships in orbit and avoid Imperial ships trying to capture him. He found himself face to face with the Star Destroyer Devastator commanded by Solliane. Cavv performed evasive maneuvers and the Devastator gave chase. Before the ship could get a tractor beam lock on the G Cat, Darth Vader arrived in the Super Star Destroyer Executor. This provided Cavv enough cover to get away and jump to hyperspace.

Cavv returned to Cracken and received congratulations on a job well done. The general revealed to Arkell that Cavv had requested that his Special Ops group be reinstated and the Velbari was going to be assigned to it.

Stealing a Star Destroyer

Cavv had his nephew Sconn meet him at the Stock Lights, a cantina he owned. While explaining his plan to steal the Super Star Destroyer Guardian, he noticed they were being eavesdropped on by a Mixtwirk and Rodian at the next table. Cavv grabbed the antennae of the Mixtwirk and advised him to mind his own business. Cavv then decided to comp their meal and throw them out of the establishment to avoid a fight. Cavv convinced his nephew to join him and meet with Cracken to get more details about the heist.

The general briefed the two men on the information the New Republic had about the Guardian. Cracken explained that probe droids had discovered a number of Lambda-class shuttles appearing in Imperial-controlled space looking for hyperdrive parts for large capital ships. Cracken informed Cavv that he was in charge of the recently formed New Republic Special Acquisitions Unit(SAU). Cavv told the group that his sources had uncovered a meeting between Burgo Teage and Imperial representatives on the Vohai Unirail at Sensyno Station. He intended to impersonate the black market dealer and use the Imperial representatives to locate the Guardian.

After leaving the general, the thieves boarded SV-45, a StarSpeeder 3000 that took them to Vohai. When they arrived, they boarded the Unirail and made their way to the dining/casino car to await Taege's arrival. Cavv came up with a plan to get the Herglic drunk so he could stash him somewhere and take his place at the meeting. He sent Sconn to reconnoiter the black market dealer's quarters and joined Teage at the sabacc tables. Cavv bought multiple rounds of Tatooine Sunburns, getting the Herglic intoxicated enough that Cavv could hide the passed out black marketeer in a frozen seafood locker in the kitchen. He proceeded to Taege's suite and prepared to meet the Imperials. During the meeting, Teage escaped his confinement and interrupted the deal, causing a shootout. After the skirmish, Cavv told Sconn they could take the shuttle back to the Guardian, but Sconn declined to continue when he learned that the job was dangerous and had no monetary reward. Cavv tried to convince the younger man that it was a worthwhile mission, but was turned down by Sconn. The older thief took the shuttle control code and left. When he arrived onboard the shuttle, he found Sconn waiting for him after having a change of heart. The two thieves lifted off and made their way to Soullex where the Guardian was in orbit.

Cavv and Sconn were brought onboard the Super Star Destroyer and overpowered a pair of stormtroopers who were sent to investigate the shuttle. Cavv managed to squeeze into the stormtrooper armor but before they could explore the ship, the thieves were discovered by protocol droid CT-EX. Cavv talked to the droid and prevented it from informing the Imperials. He got information on the ship and discovered there was a group of New Republic soldiers were being held prisoner in Detention Block 220. Cavv persuaded Sconn that it would be advantageous to release them to assist with the takeover of the ship. They took out the lone guard, and Cavv convinced the soldiers that he was part of the New Republic through code phrases and anecdotes. He also discovered that one of the prisoners was Shandria L'hnnar.

After freeing the captives, Cavv explained his plan to override the hyperdrive and program it to jump to friendly space. He also arranged for CT-EX to do the same if the thieves were caught. Cavv and Sconn went to the engineering room. The older man attempted to override the hyperdrive, but managed to set off alarms. Admiral Gaen Drommel arrived with a contingent of stormtroopers and Imperial Navy troopers. Dommel took the two thieves to an interrogation room. Cavv infuriated the Admiral by talking non-stop about random subjects. He was sent to a cell, but was rescued by L'hnnar.

Cavv and the other New Republic personnel made their way to the bridge just as Drommel ordered a test of the repaired hyperdrive. The jump placed the ship in close proximity of a New Republic fleet led by Captain Volahn. Cavv requested that Drommel surrender but the admiral refused. Before he could shoot Cavv, he was killed by Colonel Niovi who surrendered the ship to the New Republic.

After the operation, Cavv returned to Sconn's apartment along with L'hnnar. He told them he had retired as head of the SAU and expected his nephew to take over. He went to the kitchen so that Sconn and L'hnnar could enjoy a private moment.


Caav owned a modified Arakyd Helix-class light interceptor called the G Cat.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy
  • Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
  • The Essential Reader's Companion












