Dagonet's soldiers


During the Mission to rescue Dagonet's son, Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn were discussing with Dagonet's Son and the villagers who kidnapped him. The Senator's son said he'd been treated well and sympathized with the plight of the people, claiming he didn't know of their hardship beforehand as he was usually on Coruscant or in the planet's capital. The discussion is interrupted by word that Dagonet has come in person, with soldiers, despite Dooku insisting that he had no prior knowledge of their visit.

The villagers armed themselves and left the barn with the Jedi. Dooku reasoned with Dagonet to stand down, noting that his people had good reason to be angry with him. The Senator refused however, and ordered his soldiers to fire upon the kidnappers. The Jedi defended the villagers, but several were struck down by the soldiers. As the deaths mounted, Dagonet ordered his soldiers to hold their fire and spoke to the Jedi, gloating in victory. In response, Dooku Force choked the Senator, throwing Jinn away with the Force when he tried to stop him. As a result, the soldiers resumed fire upon Dooku and their remaining ranks were also pushed away. Jinn went back into the barn to free Dagonet's son from his binders, telling him to save his father, now defenceless.

The son's intervention lead Dooku to release the Senator, as the son expressed disappointment in his father. After the skirmish, as father and son made preparations to leave the by soldier-chauffeured skiff, many of the soldiers stayed to help repair the damage.


The soldiers wore a blue uniform with gold trim and wielded blasters. They wore helmets which had three sections, each protecting different parts of the head: the back of the neck, the chin and mouth, and the top of the head. They also wore goggles as eye protection. Some soldiers preferred to fight without the added eye protection, while some fought with the armor in its entirety, concealing their whole face and head.



